Kamis, 05 Juli 2012

Computers have Sexes, too~!

I just found out that My Laptop is a WOMAN!
Sweet hell! MY LAPTOP CAN TALK!!!
and the most shocking news is: SHE PROPOSED ME!!!
She ain't Beyonce though, bcoz if she was Beyonce, then she would say: if you really like then you shoulda put a ring on it! okay??!! *kriikk...
what a hell??!
anyways...try it...although it's not that impressive but yet it's worth trying 'coz you're not gonna damage you computer...

follow these easy STEPS:
(for Windows OS I guess. never tried it on Mac or Linux)
1. Open notepad
2. type these codes:
CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice").Speak"I Love You"
3. Save it under the name: xyz.vbs
4. Open the folder where you just saved the file; double click it to open the file (make sure your speaker is active and loud enough to blow your head off! haha kidding..)
5. If it is working, then you'll hear a voice coming out, saying: "I Love You"
6. If it is a Woman's voice then your computer's Sex is a Female, vice versa.
7. You can try another sentence anyways. just replace the: "I Love You" with something like "You Are Beautiful".

Try it and comment below to share what's your computer's Sex. damn yeah! technology these days has become more and more crazier (and I use more+crazier bcoz using only crazier wouldn't be enough to describe how cray cray it is!) but yet I'll never point my two thumbs upward unless it can create food in front of my computer (*poke my friend: Dave. haha!).
Nice try though...


Senin, 02 Juli 2012


Hi y'all folks!!

I AM BACK! after 100 years of my hibernation....hahaha
I can't hold myself back from posting this one: wait for it........ PACIFIC PARTNERSHIP 2012!!!
I was actually thinking about posting my story during my exploration to Talaud for this lifetime yet prestigious event. but I'm still doing it...took ages to compile all those wonderful story..bear with me just a lil' bit....I'll post it sometime near in the future....maybe,,,uhmmmm, next week??!

  (in the picture: Rico, Milka, Patrice, Hannah, Claya, Jeanette, Pamela, Ray, Winda, Gina, Megy, Mea, Anne. minus Dave, Femy and Iwan. I wonder where did they go? Exploring?? haha...just kidding!)

In short, I was one of the interpreters for Pacific Partnership 2012 in Talaud (there are several stations, i.e: Manado, Sangihe, Talaud, and Siau) for around 13 days started from June 02-13 2012 (3 leisure days included)....there are 16 of us (read: interpreters) whom we called ourselves: TALAUD AWESOME INTERPRETERS! our password is: JOY!!! hahahaaaa... I even got my new name: RICO SUAVE. (I didn't intentionally give myself a nickname. it's just a name that my new friends from the Navy used to tease me with.) Don't know what it is?? ask Sir Google!

So, yesterday I made this video about the story of our awesomeness (is that even in the dictionary? whatever; cray cray moments included).....I used ULEAD video studio to create it.

Enjoy watching!!!

for more information about Pacific Partnership 2012:


Magnum: Irresistible!

I took these pictures when I was eating Magnum ice cream on a cold, windy night. LOL what a penguin!!
as its tagline says something about "no one can resist Magnum Ice Cream" and I really couldn't refrain myself from devouring Magnum Almond ravenously, bcoz it taste HEAVEN! you should try it folks!!!

To make y'all feel me, I took these lovely pictures of me, eating magnum, inside my bedroom, in front of my laptop. I ate that ice cream like a 5-year-old toddler. haha..

JOY, REJOICE, and ENJOY!!! hahahaa... :D

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